About the Be Work Zone Alert Campaign
Highway construction and maintenance is one of the most dangerous jobs in California. Our highway workers are relied upon to do more than just fix our roadways, they are counted on to come home each day. These workers have families, loved ones, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. The Be Work Zone Alert campaign highlights these personal relationships by featuring the real children of Caltrans workers. That’s right, all of the children featured in this campaign are the sons and daughters of Caltrans workers who put their lives at risk each day to keep Californians safe and moving on our roadways. Read on to learn more about our Caltrans kids, and their mom or dad who is their own personal highway hero.
Meet The Kids
We asked, they answered. Meet the kids of Caltrans workers who are featured in the Be Work Zone Alert safety campaign.

Angelica and Kiah
Mom: Angelica Argana, Caltrans District 3 Transportation Engineer
Kiah Harris, 9
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do?
A: I like to draw, build Legos, and ride my bike
Q: What is your favorite cartoon?
A: Teen Titans Go
Q: Who is your favorite superhero?
A: Spider-Man
Q: What is your favorite sport or activity?
A: Soccer
Q: What is a happy memory?
A: When my baby brother was born and when I go to our cabin for vacation.
Q: What would you like to tell the drivers out there?
A: Drive safely and slow down near work zones because it can save lives.

Mariah, Alyssa and Marissa
Mom: Alyssa Bennett, District 10 Maintenance Service Assistant
Marissa Bennett, 8
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do?
A: I like to draw.
Q: What is your favorite cartoon?
A: I don't really watch cartoons, but I like to watch iCarly.
Q: Who is your favorite superhero?
A: My parents.
Q: What is your favorite sport or activity?
A: Cheerleading
Q: What is a happy memory?
A: When I went to Chuck e Cheese with my uncle.
Q: What would you like to tell the drivers out there?
A: Slow Down!
Mariah Bennett, 6
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do?
A: I like to dance.
Q: What is your favorite cartoon?
A: I don't really watch cartoons, but I like to watch Sam and Cat.
Q: Who is your favorite superhero?
A: Wonder Woman.
Q: What is your favorite sport or activity?
A: Cheerleading.
Q: What is a happy memory?
A: When my dad makes funny faces and makes me laugh.
Q: What would you like to tell the drivers out there?
A: Slow Down because my mom is out there working and I don't want you to hit her.

Kyli and Jermaine
Uncle: Jermaine Brooks District 7 - Electrician.
Kyli Thomas, 6
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do?
A: Playing with friends
Q: What is your favorite cartoon?
A: Big city Green
Q: Who is your favorite superhero?
A: Cat Woman and Princess Moana
Q: What is your favorite sport or activity?
A: Soccer and gymnastics
Q: What is a happy memory?
A: My Birthday and Christmas
Q: What would you like to tell the drivers out there?
A: slow down you may injure my uncle!

Nova Rae
Uncle: Dillon Campa District 4 Landscape Maintenance Leadworker
Nova Rae Yeager, 3
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do?
A: Playing with my dogs and toys
Q: What is your favorite cartoon?
A: Paw Patrol
Q: Who is your favorite superhero?
A: Sky and Liberty
Q: What is your favorite sport or activity?
A: Ride my bike
Q: What is a happy memory?
A: Going to Disneyland and seeing the princess castle
Q: What would you like to tell the drivers out there?
A: Be careful and pay attention

Jordan and Vivianne
Dad: Jordan Flores, District 6 Maintenance Service Assistant
Vivianne Flores, 7
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do?
A: Playing with my dolls.
Q: What is your favorite cartoon?
A: Bluey
Q: Who is your favorite superhero?
A: My daddy
Q: What is your favorite sport or activity?
A: Doing arts and crafts
Q: What is a happy memory?
A: When my mommy and daddy took me to Knott’s Berry Farm
Q: What would you like to tell the drivers out there?
A: Slow down for the cone zone.

Bryce and Dwayne
Dad: Dwayne Grandy, District 3 Resident Engineer
Bryce Grandy,16
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do?
A: Karate
Q: What is your favorite cartoon?
A: Rick & Morty
Q: Who is your favorite superhero?
A: Iron Man
Q: What is your favorite sport or activity?
A: Swimming
Q: What is a happy memory?
A: Vacations
Q: What would you like to tell the drivers out there?
A: Put down cell phone and use extra caution when driving though work zones.

Malia and William
Grandpa: William Hayes, District 3, Acting Maintenance Leadworker
Malia Hayes, 9
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do?
A: Reading
Q: What is your favorite cartoon?
A: The Owl House
Q: Who is your favorite superhero?
A: Black Panther
Q: What is your favorite sport or activity?
A: Drawing or Reading
Q: What is a happy memory?
A: My 9th birthday party with my friends at Sunsplash
Q: What would you like to tell the drivers out there?
A: Drive safe, pay attention and be careful

Kaci, Ronnie and Cori
Grandpa (PopPop): Ronnie Murphy, D8, Maintenance Supervisor
Kaci Hewitt, 7
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do?
A: Watch Adley videos on YouTube
Q: What is your favorite cartoon?
A: Frozen
Q: Who is your favorite superhero?
A: Wonder Woman
Q: What is your favorite sport or activity?
A: Gymnastics
Q: What is a happy memory?
A: My first time taking a flight and meeting the pilots.
Q: What would you like to tell the drivers out there?
A: To slowdown and pay attention when they see my PopPop so he comes home to us every day.
Cori Hewitt, 5
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do?
A: To play outside
Q: What is your favorite cartoon?
A: Bluey
Q: Who is your favorite superhero?
A: Catwoman
Q: What is your favorite sport or activity?
A: Soccer
Q: What is a happy memory?
A: My birthday celebration at Disneyland this year.
Q: What would you like to tell the drivers out there?
A: Move over when you see my PopPop and other people working on the freeway.

Arya and Maribel
Mom: Maribel Muñoz Blanco, District 12 Transportation Engineer
Arya Baez-Muñoz 4
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do?
A: To paint
Q: What is your favorite cartoon?
A: Superhero Girls more than spirit the stallion
Q: Who is your favorite superhero?
A: Wonder Woman
Q: What is your favorite sport or activity?
A: Swimming, ju-jitsu, and horse riding. Going to the mountains, snow, or beach
Q: What is a happy memory?
A: Mexico, Aquarium, Ranging Waters, Reptile Place
Q: What would you like to tell the drivers out there?
A: When it’s red stop. When it’s yellow stop. When it’s green, then you go. You have to go slow when people are there.

Kayden Stephen and Stephen
Dad, Stephen Palmer, District 11 Maintenance Area Superintendent
Kayden Stephen Palmer, 10
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do?
A: Playing soccer, family bonding/adventures
Q: What is your favorite cartoon?
A: Anime- One Piece
Q: Who is your favorite superhero?
A: My dad and mom
Q: What is your favorite sport or activity?
A: Soccer and gaming
Q: What is a happy memory?
A: When I got my custom scooter for my birthday
Q: What would you like to tell the drivers out there?
A: To be careful and to slow down when you see workers and to imagine it is their family out there working in California this holiday season

Zoe and Juan
Dad: Juan Raygoza, District 12 Maintenance Equipment Operator
Zoe Raygoza, 6
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do?
A: Watch YouTube.
Q: What is your favorite cartoon?
A: Sonic #2
Q: Who is your favorite superhero?
A: Cat Woman
Q: What is your favorite sport or activity?
A: Gymnastics
Q: What is a happy memory?
A: Going to Disney World
Q: What would you like to tell the drivers out there?
A: Watch out for my Parents.

Ben and Justin
Dad: Justin Yelton, District 6, Transportation Surveyor
Ben Yelton, 14
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do?
A: Playing baseball
Q: What is your favorite cartoon?
A: Regular Show
Q: Who is your favorite superhero?
A: Spiderman
Q: What is your favorite sport or activity?
A: Working Out
Q: What is a happy memory?
A: A happy memory is my brother being born.
Q: What would you like to tell the drivers out there?
A: I want to tell the drivers to be more cautious when driving.

Jaxon, Ryan, and Levi
Dad: Ryan Youngbar, District 5 Maintenance Leadworker
Jaxon Youngbar, 9
Q: Favorite things to do?
A; Play video games and play with his pets.
Q: Favorite cartoon?
A: Big City Greens.
Q: Favorite superhero?
A: Spider-Man.
Q: Favorite sport activity?
A: Football.
Q: What is a happy memory?
A: Going to universal studios.
Q: What would you like to tell drivers?
A: To slow down and move over for my dad and his coworkers and don’t drink and drive.
Levi Youngbar, 7
Q: Favorite thing to do?
A: Play videos games and work outside with my dad.
Q: Favorite cartoon?
A: Looney Tunes.
Q: Favorite superhero?
A: Spider-Man.
Q: Favorite sport activity?
A: Soccer.
Q: What is a happy memory?
A: Playing soccer with my friends and scoring a goal.
Q: What would you like to tell drivers?
A: To please slow down and move over so my dad can come home.